Whether you are discovering Steampunk for the first time, or you are a seasoned Tophatter, we’re glad to meet you and we invite you to invite your friends to join us. Welcome.

On this site, you will find links to Steampunk people, places, and events, in your own State, or a State you may be traveling too. Steampunk is not dead, as some have whispered, instead, it’s everywhere (you can submit links here too).

Here, there are also links to find (ready-made) Steampunk items and those to help you find what you need to create Steampunk fashion, weaponry, art, music, home decor, and so much more. Creating your Steampunk self is a journey into your own creativity and DIY is a large part of the Steampunk ethos. While there are some parameters, and a few do’s and don’ts – largely depending on whether you choose to go the “purest” route, or not, Steampunk style is meant to be representative of the YOU, you wish to be. And, Steampunk as a sub-culture, is supposed to be inclusive by nature.